

Customization is done via the Emacs customization system. The group rg is the main group of the package.

M-x customize-group [RET] rg [RET]
rg-executable [(executable-find "rg")]

The ripgrep executable to use. Could be an absolute path or just the base name if the executable is in the path. The default is using executable-find to locate the command. If you want to use this package with tramp it might be better to set it to just “rg” in order to let the OS find the binary where it’s invoked. From Emacs 27.1, the tramp use case is by default handled automatically. See rg-executable-per-connection for details.

rg-executable-per-connection [t]

This setting only has effect in Emacs 27.1 or later. Handle the rg-executable automatically for different hosts if used with tramp. executable-find for “rg” binary will be invoked on remote hosts to determine the path to ripgrep. The result is stored per connection.

rg-custom-type-aliases [(("gyp" . "\*.gyp \*.gypi"))]

An association list that maps file type aliases to a space delimited string with file globs. These are combined with the ripgrep builtin file aliases.


(setq rg-custom-type-aliases
  '(("foo" .    "*.foo *.bar")
    ("baz" .    "*.baz *.qux")))

You may also add lambdas to rg-custom-type-aliases to add aliases dynamically based on mode, directory, project, etc.

 (lambda ()
   (when (in-frontend-app)
     (cons "ui" "*.js *.hbs *.json"))))
rg-default-alias-fallback ["everything"]

This setting controls the default alias used when no alias can be recognized for the current buffer. all or everything are reasonable values for this variable.

rg-command-line-flags [nil]

A list of command line flags that will be appended to the ripgrep command line. Must either be a list of flags or a function that returns a list of flags.

rg-group-result [t]

Controls the layout of the results buffer. If non nil, each file name is displayed once and matches are grouped under that filename instead of repeating the filename on each match. This is essentially the layout of the --no-heading ripgrep command line flag.

rg-show-columns [nil]

Controls if column numbers are used in the search result.

rg-ignore-case [case-fold-search]

Setting that controls if case sensitive search is made or not. It can essentially be on, off or smart. The smart setting will trigger an analyze of the search string and if it’s all lower case, the search will be case insensitive, otherwise it will be case sensitive. The following values are valid:

  • case-fold-search - A non nil value of case-fold-search will trigger smart case behavior.
  • smart - Smart case behavior.
  • force - Always ignore case.
  • nil - Always consider case.
rg-hide-command [t]

Hide most of command line by default. This is enabled by default and can be set to nil to show full command line. This can be toggled in the results buffer by clicking on the command line.

rg-keymap-prefix ["C-c s"]

This variable sets the default prefix used for the global key bindings. Note that rg-enable-default-bindings needs to be invoked for the bindings to be enabled.

rg-use-transient-menu [t]

Controls whether rg-menu will be used by default or not. It’s also possible to enable the menu explicitly with

rg-show-header [t]

Controls if the search info header is shown in the result buffer. This is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting this variable to nil.

rg-buffer-name ["rg"]

Controls the name of the results buffer. It may be string or function. This name will be surrounded by * to yield the final buffer name so if this setting is foo the buffer name will be *foo*. One useful case of using it is to have separate result buffers per project. One can set this variable in `dir-locals` file or set it to function.

Example, this function will set results buffer name based on `project-current`:

(defun my-rg-buffer-name ()
  (let ((p (project-current)))
    (if p
 (format "rg %s" (abbreviate-file-name (cdr p)))
rg-ignore-ripgreprc [t]

Controls if the ripgreprc file should be ignored or not. If nil, the config file will be used, otherwise it will be ignored. The default is to ignore this file in order to avoid that conflicting settings have impact on this package’s behavior. Setting this to nil may affect core functionality of this package. Especially changing colors can affect parsing of the output and result in a broken results buffer.

Position numbers alignment

When operating rg in grouped output mode (rg-group-result is non nil), it’s possible to control how the line and column numbers are displayed in the result buffer.

Example settings:

(setq rg-align-position-numbers t)
(setq rg-align-line-number-field-length 3)
(setq rg-align-column-number-field-length 3)
(setq rg-align-line-column-separator "#")
(setq rg-align-position-content-separator "|")

Will yield the following format:

  1#  2|match1
888# 10|match2
rg-align-position-numbers [t]

Setting this to t will align line and column numbers in columns padded with white space.

rg-align-line-number-field-length [4]

Defines the length of the line number field.

rg-align-column-number-field-length [3]

Defines the length of the column number field.

rg-align-line-column-separator [" "]

Separator string used between line and column numbers. nil means use default separator from ripgrep.

rg-align-position-content-separator [" "]

Separator string used between the position numbers and matched content. nil means use default separator from ripgrep.


All faces are in the subgroup rg-face of the main group rg.

M-x customize-group [RET] rg-face [RET]

Results buffer

rg-match-face [match]

Face used to highlight matches in result.

rg-error-face [compilation-error]

Face used to highlight errors when invoking ripgrep.

rg-context-face [shadow]

Face used to highlight context lines in ripgrep output when --context-lines flag is used.

rg-info-face [compilation-info]

Face used to highlight general info in results buffer. For instance the number of matches found.

rg-warning-face [compilation-warning]

Face used to highlight warnings in the ripgrep output.

rg-filename-face [rg-info-face]

Face used to highlight filenames in the output.

rg-file-tag-face [rg-info-face]

Face used for the File: tag in grouped results output.

rg-line-number-face [compilation-line-number]

Face used on line numbers.

rg-column-number-face [compilation-column-number]

Face used on column numbers.

rg-match-position-face [default]

Face added to file positions. This is the start of a matching line and depending on configuration may be, file name, column number and line number.

Header line

rg-toggle-on-face [rg-file-tag-face]

Face used for flags that are toggled on.

rg-toggle-off-face [rg-error-face]

Face used for flags that are toggled off.

rg-literal-face [rg-filename-face]

Face used the on the literal marker in the header line.

rg-regexp-face [compilation-line-number]

Face used the on the regexp marker in the header line.

Configuration functions

(rg-enable-default-bindings &optional, prefix)

Enable the default keyboard bindings for the package with prefix key. If rg-use-transient-menu is on this will enable the menu instead of activating the global bindings. If prefix is not provided rg-keymap-prefix will be used.

(rg-enable-menu &optional, prefix)

Enable the rg-menu with prefix key. This bypass rg-use-transient-menu setting. If prefix is not provided rg-keymap-prefix will be used.


This function is provided to keep backwards compatibility with versions older than 2.0.0. In this version default settings as well as key bindings changed and to bring back the old defaults call this function in your init file.

Configuration macros

(rg-define-toggle flag, &optional, key, default)

This is a macro that can be used to define custom ripgrep flag toggling functions in the result buffer. The macro takes the flag (and potential value) as an argument and optionally binds the toggle function to a key. If default is non nil the flag is used by default.

The function defined by this macro will be named as the flag name stripped with leading dashes and prefixed with rg-custom-toggle-flag-.

(rg-define-toggle "-uu" "I" t)

Creates a function named rg-custom-toggle-flag-uu that is on by default and bound to I in rg result buffer.

(rg-define-toggle "--context 3" (kbd "C-c c"))

Creates a function named rg-custom-toggle-flag-context that is off by default and bound to C-c c in rg result buffer.

This macro can be used to define custom search functions in a declarative style. Default implementations for common behavior is available and custom forms can also be used.

It optionally starts with a string that is used as the docstring for the defined function. The rest of the arguments contain key value pairs according to the specification below. All keys are optional with specified default if left out.

  • :query - Method for retrieving the search string. Allowed values are point which means extract thing at point and ask which means prompt the user for a string. Any form that evaluates to a string is allowed. Default is ask.
  • :format - Specifies if :query is interpreted literally (literal) or as a regexp (regexp). If it is a form, eg. (not current-prefix-arg), and is non-nil the :query is interpreted literally, otherwise as a regexp. Default is regexp.
  • :files - Form that evaluates to a file alias or custom file glob. current means extract alias from current buffer file name, ask will prompt the user. Default is ask.
  • :dir - Root search directory. Allowed values are ask for user prompt, current for current dir and project for project root. Any form that evaluates to a directory string is also allowed. Default is ask.
  • :confirm - never, always, or prefix are allowed values. Specifies if the the final search command line string can be modified and confirmed the user. Default is never.
  • :flags - ask or a list of command line flags that will be used when invoking the search.
  • :menu - Bind the command into rg-menu. Must be a list with three items in it. The first item is the description of the group in witch the new command will appear. If the group does not exist a new will be created. The second item is the key binding for this new command (ether a key vector or a key description string) and the third item is the description of the command that will appear in the menu.


(rg-define-search search-everything-at-home
  "Search files including hidden in home directory"
  :query ask
  :format literal
  :files "everything"
  :flags ("--hidden")
  :dir (getenv "HOME")
  :menu ("Search" "h" "Home"))

(rg-define-search rg-emacs
  "Search the emacs lisp source code."
  :dir "/usr/share/emacs/25.2/lisp/"
  :flags '("-z")
  :files "*.{el,el.gz}"
  :menu ("Custom" "L" "lisp"))

Use with evil-mode

Some key bindings clash with evil-mode. Recommendation is to use evil motion state for the results buffer and then switch to evil normal mode when editing in wgrep-mode. Some adjustments need to be done to avoid the clashes though.

This is a start of a configuration. This let rg-mode’s key bindings override the motion state map bindings based on that these motion keys are not important in an rg results buffer. Adjust this to your preferred use case:

(with-eval-after-load 'rg
  (advice-add 'wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode :after
  (advice-add 'wgrep-to-original-mode :after
  (defvar rg-mode-map)
  (add-to-list 'evil-motion-state-modes 'rg-mode)
  (evil-add-hjkl-bindings rg-mode-map 'motion
    "e" #'wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode
    "g" #'rg-recompile
    "t" #'rg-rerun-change-literal))

Customizing the menu

The menu can be modified from the emacs configuration file.

To add a new switch before the option triggered by -n at suffix level 3:

(transient-insert-suffix 'rg-menu "-n" '(3 "-o" "Only print matches" "--only-matching"))

To add a new option before the option triggered by -g at suffix level 4:

(transient-insert-suffix 'rg-menu "-g" '(4 "-f" "Pattern file" "--file="))

The = in --file= triggers argument input for the flag.

To remove an item from the menu specify the trigger key in the transient remove command. For example, to remove the Search hidden files switch use the following:

(transient-remove-suffix 'rg-menu "-h")

Please refer to the transient documentation for details on customizing the menu.

This package also adds a convenience function for appending new commands to the menu in the groups at the bottom.

(rg-menu-transient-insert group, key, description, command)

This inserts a new command under group if it exists, otherwise a new group is created. key, description and command is as for the transient-insert-suffix function.

For example to insert a new command under Search group:

(rg-menu-transient-insert "Search" "m" "My search" 'my-search-command)

It’s usually better to use the :menu key of the rg-define-search macro to define a search function and adding it to the menu in one go.